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2025 Western Art Contest Application Form

Before completing application form, please ensure you have read and understood the rules and regulations in their entirety. Rules and Regulations can be found here.

No Fee is required to participate in the Western Art Contest.

Student Contact Information

Student Phone Number

Education Information

Alternate Contact Information

Parent / Guardian


Class (Pick One) Refer to Rules & Regs for Class Definitions
(Imagination, Personal Photo, In Class Model, etc)
Photography Release Form Only required if a photograph was used as source.

Release of Image Rights

We, the student and parent/ legal guardian, irrevocably grant to SALE, the Briscoe Western Art Museum, and their respective agents and assigns the right and authority to use any and all recordings and images of the student taken by SALE in relation to the exhibition and contest in any medium for any purpose. We waive all claims for payment in connection with any use of any such recordings and images. We waive any right to inspect or approve the recordings and/or images. All recordings and/or images, in whatever form or medium, are the sole property of SALE. We release and agree to hold harmless Publishers from any liability, and any cause of action, related to any use of the recordings and/or images. whether intentional or otherwise.

Declaration of Originality

We, the undersigned student and parent or legal guardian, hereby certify that the artwork to which this Western Art Contest and Release Agreement relates is the student's own work. It has not been copied or reproduced from other artwork or photography by means of tracing, duplicating, or any other means. Further we certify that the student has not used mechanical devices such as opaque projectors, photocopiers, computer-enhancements or sewing machines in the creation of the artwork. We agree that San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. ("SALE"), the Briscoe Western Art Museum, and their duly authorized persons and representatives will not be held responsible for any copyright infringements, and we will release and indemnify and hold them harmless from any and all claims.

We, the student and parent/legal guardian, have read the current year "Rules and Regulations," as provided to me by the SALE Western Art Committee and agree to abide by the terms. We understand that any proceeds awarded on the student's behalf may be forfeited if it is determined that the artwork was copied or if student fails to comply with any of the "Rules and Regulations". We agree that SALE and the Briscoe Western Art Museum shall not be liable or responsible for the NEGLIGENCE or other act or omission of either of them or of any other person or entity that causes in whole or in part or results in the loss, theft, destruction or damage of the student's artwork or other property.

Release of Work

We, the student and his or her parent/legal guardian, understand that if the student's artwork is judged to be one of the Top 10 entries, it will not be returned to the student and will be the property of SALE. We waive any rights we may have in the artwork, and release, discharge and agree to hold harmless SALE, The Briscoe Western Art Museum, and their duly authorized persons and representatives from any liability by virtue of the use of the artwork. We grant permission to be photographed or interviewed in connection with SALE and the Briscoe Western Art Museum.

We, the student and parent/legal guardian, hereby grant and convey SALE the absolute right and permission to copyright, publish, use, reproduce, and publish the student's artwork and photographic portraits, motion pictures, and video graphic recordings of the student or his or her artwork, in whole or in part, in composite, or distorted in character or form, in conjunction with student's own or a fictitious name reproduction thereof, in color or otherwise, through any media at a studio, on SALE grounds, at the Briscoe Western Art Museum, or at any other location, and for any lawful purpose. We, the student and parent or legal guardian, further acknowledge that our voluntary execution and acknowledgement below is consideration for the participation of the student in this exhibition and contest and that a properly executed copy of this release is part of student's valid application to be a contestant in any such event. We understand that if we do not acknowledge below, student's artwork will not be judged or displayed at the Briscoe Western Art Museum, the Western Art exhibit at SALE, or any other event sponsored or produced by SALE

1 (we) hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless, SALE, the Briscoe Western Art Museum, and their respective agents, employees, and representatives from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that might occur or be produced in the taking of pictures, or in any processing tending towards the completion of the finished product.

We, the student and his or her parent or legal guardian, hereby further agree that neither of us will receive any financial consideration or compensation with respect to the artwork or the exercise of the rights granted in this Release Agreement and that we waive any rights that we may have to further consent to, receive notice of, inspect, or approve any use, reproduction, or display, in whole, part, or composite, of the student's artwork. We further waive all claims and rights, monetary or otherwise, that may arise because or any additional or future use of the student's artwork at this or any other future time; and agree that SALE shall have and retain the sole right to determine how it will use, display, or reproduce the student's artwork.

We, the student and his or her parent or legal guardian, represent and warrant that the student has not had and is not in the process of having the artwork published or used for profit and has not conveyed or licensed the artwork to any person or entity.

Declaration of Citizenship

We, the student and parent/ legal guardian, hereby certify that student is a citizen of the United States and able to provide a valid Social Security number.


If Student is under the age of 18, parent or legal guardian's signature is required in addition to student signature. If Student is 18 years of age or older, attach proof of age i.e. driver's license).

1 (we) have read this document. I (we) understand that it is a release of all claims. I (we) appreciate and assume all risks inherent in this event. This Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not in favor of either party.

In consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, for being allowed entry into and participation in the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Western Art Contest, the UNDERSIGNED hereby VOLUNTARILY execute the DECLARATION OF ORIGINALTY and the DECLARATION OF CITIZENSHIP and VOLUNTARILY enter into the RELEASE OF ARTWORK and the RELEASE OF IMAGE RIGHTS above.

If the student is a minor child, I represent that I am a parent (or legal guardian) of the minor, and I hereby agree that we shall both be bound by this Agreement. I hereby warrant that I am of full age and have every right to contract for the minor in the above regard.

Student & Parent/ Legal Guardian have read and acknowledged all Declarations & Release Information
After all information has been completed, you must hit the 'SUBMIT' button in order to complete the online contest application process. If an email confirmation is not received, your online application has not been fully submitted.
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