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Premium List

The Competitive Events Premium List includes schedules, fees, scholarship information, premium payouts, and all rules and regulations regarding the Open Livestock Shows, Junior Ag Mechanics Contest, Junior Barbecue (Pitmaster & Vaquero Cook-off), Junior Livestock Shows & Contests, Junior Shoot-Out and the Junior Taxidermy Contest. For complete information regarding a contest or show, please refer to the Premium List. All times and locations are subject to change.
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Swine/Sheep/Goat Barn Stall Map

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Cattle Barn Stall Map

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Webcasting Link

To view our live webcasting feed, please click the link below for all shows.
Live — Taylor Fort OR (16) Taylor Fort - Search Results | Facebook
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Exceptional Stock Show

We are excited to offer our inaugural San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Exceptional Stock Show! The goal of this event is to allow youths of all abilities to bond with a livestock animal while paired with a youth mentor. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to handle animals and gain the experience of showing in an actual stock show while having a fun time in the process.
Registration Form can be found HERE.
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